Surface Analysis. Towards Hyperindexicality.
The Ohio State University. Department of Design
Instructor: Gabriel Esquivel
The goal to create a point of departure into a new understanding of surface, to give insight into the role of design technologies in architecture, that goes beyond its use for representation and to give a better understanding of the full implications that the incorporation of digital media has for architecture in the broadest sense. We would like to address specific ways in which experimental architects make use of digital media, what effects this has on architectural production and architectural form, and how this relates to today’s rapid and complex cultural transformations. Performance as a paradigm for architecture moves the attention away from the static object and towards a complex and dynamic plane of relations. Performance understands architecture, technology and culture not as separate and isolated elements, but as elements interrelated through complex feedback loops, by which they simultaneously affect each other.
After building and analyzing crucial aspects of the irregularities of San Carlo’s interior surface, it was important to establish a parametric organization to begin to record the simple changes and the affects of the generated surface. The precedent helps us speculate into a new development of the Baroque Technique using new technology to continue the process.
To take a look at this magnificent church by Borromini check this website.
John Durda
Kylie Karagiorge
Patricia Wilhelm
Christie Visscher