Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Studio Preview 6

Texas A&M University. Graduate Studio. Analog Studies. Fall 2011.
Chao Sun.

Studio Preview 5

Texas A&M University. Graduate Studio. Analog Studies. Fall 2011.
Jason Minter

Studio Preview 4

Texas A&M University. Graduate Studio. Analog Studies. Fall 2011.
Jing Zhang.

Studio Preview 3

Texas A&M University. Graduate Studio. Analog Studies. Fall 2011.
Lei Shao.

Studio Preview 2

Texas A&M University. Graduate Studio. Analog Studies. Fall 2011;
Shane Bearrow

Monday, October 24, 2011

Studio Preview 1

Texas A&M University. Graduate Studio. Analog Studies. Fall 2011.
Eric Winkelmann

Studio Preview

Texas A&M University. Graduate Studio. Analog Studies. Fall 2011.
Maryam Rezafar

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Studio Advance

Texas A&M University. Department of Architecture. Fall 2011. Second Year Studio.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Blurring Limits, Architecture and Design

Tecnológico of Monterrey Mexico City and Gabriel Esquivel would like to invite you to the Conference under the Cátedra Luis Barragán “Blurring Architecture and Design”


Date: October 28th, 2011


Place: Teatro Metropolitan. Independencia 90. Downtown.


9:00 Opening Ceremony


9:20 Michael Szivos. Customization and Design. SofLab. USA.


11:00 Sigga Heimis. Design for a Global Market: IKEA. LabLand. Finland/Sweden


13:00 Miguel Angel del Val. Duality, Colonization and Heterodoxy. AH Asociados. Spain

Sunday, October 16, 2011

SMI2012 Shape Modeling International 2012

Shape Modeling International 2012 (SMI’12) will be organized in College Station Texas from May 22nd 2011 to May 25th 2012. The conference will be held using the computer science and visualization interdisciplinary space in Emerging Technologies and Economic Development Interdisciplinary (ETED) Building and/or the classroom and auditorium spaces of Langford Center of College of Architecture at Texas A&M University.  Conference will have four types of activities including technical papers, practical papers, courses & tutorials and sculpture exhibition. The conference will be 4 days. The first two days, we will have courses and tutorials. Presentations of technical and practical papers will start the second day of the conference. Art exhibition will be open during the conference. The following list is detailed explanation of the activities.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Artery Bridge

Texas A&M University. College of Architecture. Graduate Thesis.
Heather Davis.
Adviser: Gabriel Esquivel


Architecture frequently looks to the natural world for concepts, metaphors and analogies

for the generation of form. This relationship between architecture and nature generally

reaches only the superficial level, resulting in a normative architectural system “dressed

up” with a biomorphic skin. The new science of emergence demands that architecture take the biological paradigm to a much more complex level, simultaneously considering

the components of environment, behavior, form, structure and materiality to achieve complete integration. Specific biological precedents also exist within each of these components, providing the opportunity for multiple layers of biological influence.

Advances in analytical computation provide the means to achieve this complex

organization of multiple mutually-dependent parts. This project will produce a bridge

design based on the biological paradigm, exploiting the bridge’s natural connection with

the environment. The bridge will become an artery of the city; a metabolic life-source

that generates energy for itself and the system it belongs to. The bridge’s form,

structure and materiality will be dependent upon this metabolic behavior and

environmental relationship, moving toward complete biomimic integration.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Technology and Management for Architecture, Design and Engineering Conference

Mexico City October 5, 6 and 7. Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapozalco.
Thanks for your Hospitality! My conference went really well. http://administracionytecnologiaparaeldiseno.azc.uam.mx/inicio.html