Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Urban Think Tank
April 15, 2010 4 - 7 pm.
Alfredo Brillembourg
Hubert Klumpner
Auditorio Biblioteca Jose Vasconcelos
Eje 1 Norte Esq. Aldama
Col. Buenavista
Mexico, DF 06350
Tecnologico de Monterrey
Campus Mexico City
Moderated by Gabriel Esquivel
After all the the natural catastrophies that have affected some of our Latin American cities it is important to re-Think how to build the city.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Follies of Sensation

Texas A&M Univeristy. Spring 2010 Second Year. Critic: Gabriel Esquivel

a folly is a building constructed primarily for decoration. In the original use of the word, these buildings had no other use, but from the 19-20th centuries the term was also applied to highly decorative buildings which had secondary practical functions such as housing, sheltering or business use. In the 18th century English gardens and French landscape gardening often featured Roman temples, which symbolized classical virtues or ideals. Other 18th century garden follies represented Chinese temples, Egyptian pyramids, ruined abbeys, or Tatar tents, to represent different continents or historical eras. Sometimes they represented rustic villages, mills and cottages, to symbolize rural virtues. "Folly" is used in the sense of fun or light-heartedness, not in the sense of something ill-advised.

The idea behind this project is to redefine what the concept of garden is today with our different needs and our desire for seduction and spectacle. The garden will be a garden on sensations.

They follies have intricate relationships with the ground and will use different kinds of natural and artificial elements to produce affects and sensations.

Folly of Sensation

Folly of Murder
Inspired on the narrative of Dexter, the TV Show.
Adrian Cortez

Folly of Sensation 1

Folly of sensuality
A confrontation of surface and eroticism.
Alex Holtzer

Folly of Sensation 2

Folly of Glow
A sensation of floating like being a jellyfish with the intensity of the story of medusa.
Cameron Pybus

Folly of Sensation 3

Folly of Surrealism
A place where the unconscious reigns and repressed sensations will emerge.
Robert Stolusky

Folly of Sensation 4

Folly of Entrapment
You could be caught in sensations of pleasure and pain.
Lauren Cantrell

Folly of Sensation 5

Folly of Narcissim
A place for temptation and foreplay with two options above ground (self) and underground (other)
Mara Castro

Folly of Sensation 6

Folly of Peace
With the sensuality and sensibility of an elegant automobile.
Joe Hamiter

Folly of Sensation 7

Folly of Love
Candy coated illusion.
Lauren Wortham